Paint up to 100 pixels every 15 minutes for free (plus gas). Pick up a Banana Booster to paint faster!
Banana Booster allows you to paint up to 500 pixels per minute for one hour. Surge pricing applies when more than one booster is active in the past hour. Free for BAYC/MAYC holders. Delegate.xyz supported.
banana boosterunleash the ape within. 500 pixels/min.
Ape Armor protects your pixels from being painted over by other users. Each time someone tries to paint over one of your pixels, it will be blocked, and one armor unit will be consumed. If canvas is minted, your armor will protect new pixels that you paint.
ape armordefend your pixels. +100 armor.
Mint the canvas as an NFT and reset canvas. Once unlocked, a dutch auction begins. Painters with active pixels get a share of the proceeds based on Sum of Square Roots distribution model.
mint canvas90% of proceeds split with artists
0% painted
Auction starts at1%
Painted0 of 65536